Vladimir Megre Wishes You A Happy New Year 2016!

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Text on the screen: New Year’s Greetings from Vladimir Nikolaevich Megre!

Vladimir Megre: Dear Friends!

Please allow me to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year of 2016!

And, as is customary, to wish you all the very, very best in the new year!

Health, love, and happiness in your personal life!

Unfortunately, there are analysts who predict an economic decline in 2016, and a depression – in a word, a crisis.  But you know, the first place a crisis arises is in our heads.  We won’t have any crisis!  We’ll have fireworks.  We’ll take off!  And you are the creators of a beautiful future!  I have in mind here my readers and in particular those who create family homesteads.  It’s you, who are the green shoots of this most beautiful future!  It’s your party, which is called the “Family Party”, the sole party in the country which conducts its congresses without money, which exists without money, but which does exist, and which people are starting to talk about more and more.  I wish you success!  Success in your personal lives, too. And successful participation in the elections.

I also want to congratulate all the deputies of the State Duma… But what should I congratulate them on?

Respected Deputies!  In your State Duma – in our State Duma – two laws “Regarding Family Homesteads” have been languishing for a year and a half already. What kind of laws are these?  These are laws that the people prepared and which have been discussed among the people.  And they haven’t just been discussed: some people are already living by these laws.  Unfortunately, a year and a half is a reasonable time in order for them to be adopted.  I wish for you to adopt these laws in the coming year and to adopt them in the best form, to add and incorporate some ideas of your own, so that this marvelous impulse that has begun in Russia, will grow stronger.

I also want to congratulate our President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.  I want to congratulate him on the fact that we have such a beautiful people’s idea in our country, an idea that people are already calling Russia’s national idea.  I congratulate you on this wonderful thing that has been born in our country!

Vladimir Vladimirovich, I want to ask you a favor: please sort out a certain very interesting and enthralling situation that has come about in our country.  Heere is what has happened:

More than 15 years ago in our country a movement called the Ringing Cedars of Russia began to develop.  More than 15 years ago, people began constructing family homesteads.  They began buying one hectare of land each, often on abandoned farmlands, and they began creating their family homesteads on them, for themselves, their families, their descendants, and their children.  And now there are more than 250 such settlements in Russia.  Is this not a beautiful initiative?  These people have to overcome various difficulties.  Sometimes it’s lack of understanding by the Press.  Sometimes it’s lack of understanding by officials in these places, along the lines of, “What is this, what kind of movement is this?  Who’s guiding them?” Well, no one’s guiding them!  They’re guided by their dream!  They’re guided by their idea!  They’re guided by the beautiful image of a future Russia: “We will create family homesteads for ourselves, our family, our descendants, and our children!”  And when there are a lot of them – 10, 20, or 30 thousand – when there are a million of them, the whole country will turn into a blooming oasis.  People in the world will speak of it as of the best country, which has shown the entire world a most beautiful future, and the beautiful path to this future.  And look at what we have: without money, without any support, they are still developing now!  If you look on the Internet, new groups are appearing nearly every month, and they say, “We’re looking for like-minded people in this or that region to create family homesteads.”  Then a working group appears to organize the land surveying.  What do they need?  What they need first of all is moral support!  And first of all, from the leader of the country!

And it all started with a thin little book.  Look: here it is!  Yes, the title of this little book is “Anastasia”.  It was published with a thin cover, on newsprint.  I am this little book’s author.  And it’s kind of awkward to say, “How much a good little book like this has done…” Only I don’t take all the credit.  The thing is, that, probably, I ended up in the right place at the right time and came face to face with my own beautiful dream.  I came face to face with Anastasia.  Many people say, “She does exist…”, “She doesn’t exist,” “Come on, Megre made her up…”  Now, if it’s possible to make up such things, then let other entrepreneurs or writers make something up, too, something that will make the beautiful grow stronger and better.

And what a movement has been born in Russia!  Why did that happen?  Because images rule the world.  And here, in this little book. I’ve described the beautiful image of the taiga hermit Anastasia – a pretty, smart and ardent woman.  It’s as if this image is now hovering above Russia.  And here the phrase “family homestead” has appeared.  And then an idea was born amongst the people, and this slogan appeared: “Family homesteads are Russia’s National Idea!”  Certain forces are very, very afraid of this little book.  How can that be?  A movement like that!  What lies behind it?  People even say, “Oh no, this will bring about some misfortunes!”  But scientists are already proving that the dawn of science lies behind it!  Behind it lies the recovery of a nation; behind it lies the end of corruption; behind it lies a beautiful, happy family – thousands and millions of families!  Behind it lie stability in the government, and social calm.  Behind it lies the might of the government!

And I have this request.  Please sort out this situation and help these people.  Clearly, you have been told a whole lot about this movement that is untrue and not accurate. Let’s build a beautiful future for Russia together!  The people are ready to do this!  It may be only some portion of the people, but it’s a significant portion that grows larger with every year.  Think about this!  Entire hamlets and villages have vanished from the map of Russia.  And suddenly, because of some phrase, simply because of some letters, people’s hearts have begun burning with a beautiful dream, and new settlements have begun to be born, beautiful ones, where people don’t drink and don’t smoke, where they’re raising their children.  The union of opposites has taken place.  People are putting in gardens, trees and flowers on their land.  And at the same time, their children are working on the computer.  And these children are the future of our people. 

And there’s more.  Look at what’s happening in Syria, and in other CIS countries, too.  Now, this is an idea that unites people.  Take the settlement outside Vladimir.  There are 15 settlements like this in the Vladimir Region.  There are very tiny ones and big ones.  In them live people who know each other.  They are united by a common dream, a common idea.  Now, these are people of varying social standing, varying ages, varying religious persuasions.  There are Muslims and Christians, but even so, they’re united.  They are united by a single dream, a single impulse.

In one of the books I included the words of the taiga hermit Anastasia, who says, “At the beginning of the new millennium, the President of Russia will issue a decree, according to which each family in Russia who so wishes shall have issued to them a hectare of land for the creation of a family homestead upon it.”

Take note: “each family who so wishes.”  What kind of future can there be for a country which buys up produce abroad while it possesses so much land?  What kind of future can there be for a country where the people are not very healthy?  Now, this movement is also developing health care.

Vladimir Vladimirovich, everyone understands how many concerns you have, especially given the current international situation.  But you have a beautiful organization which you lead – the people’s movement “People’s Front.”  So, task the People’s Front with sorting out this situation and supplying you with reliable information.  And task it with mentoring this movement.  I have asked the Foundation to supply you with reliable information about the “Ringing Cedars of Russia” movement, and about the people who are building family homesteads.  Take a close look at it.  If your advisers have additional questions, I think that the Foundation will supply you with it.  We are transparent.  There’s a site called “Anastasia,” “Ringing Cedars of Russia.”  There’s detailed information there about what is being organized and where.  There’s detailed information there about which people are supporting the movement and which people are putting the brakes on it.  I think it might be time for our… It would be better for you to ask our Government to collect reliable information.  And let it publish a report so that people can take a look at it and see, how does it perceive this movement?  And it will be immediately clear, what those people are right about and what they’re wrong about.

These books are coming out in America, Europe, Japan and the Baltic States.  And everywhere new groups are appearing which are beginning to take action the way the people in Russia have done.  But the most activity is taking place in Russia.  Clearly, a great deal depends on the translation.  And I would very much like for what’s beautiful for the whole Earth to start with Russia!  An image of Russia has appeared, a beautiful image! It is creating, and it is taking action, but right now, much depends on you, Vladimir Vladimirovich!  Get connected to it!

Once again, I wish you all a beautiful 2016!

This song is playing:

In each homestead here, there’s a Space of Love.

We’re creating together with God.  We are Thy children.

Our Family is flourishing, we’re living as friends,

And we call our settlement the Fairytale Land.

Here birds sing above the rainbow.

Here beasts and fishes are glad we are here.

Here each flower and each giant oak

Are adored by us. Adored by us all.

We know that the Earth will be born anew

Through our touch,

As we create the primeval paradise with love.

How beautiful is our Fairytale Land!

Here we sing songs along with the bards

And create the image of Universal Love.

The sages bring us the Source’s epistle.

We sense our very being as the minstrel clowns dance.

Here birds sing above the rainbow.

Here beasts and fishes rejoice that we’re here.

Here each flower and each giant oak

Are adored by us. Adored by us all.

We know that the Earth will be born anew

Through our touch,

As we create the primeval paradise with love.

How beautiful is our Fairytale Land!

In each homestead here, the purest of springs

Sends us news from our ancestors and their wisdom.

Here vast expanses await the children, and the elderly find comfort.

Here live happy Vedic Russian families.

Here live happy Vedic Russian families.

Here birds sing above the rainbow.

Here beasts and fishes rejoice that we’re here.

Here each flower and each giant oak

Are adored by us. Adored by us all.

We know that the Earth will be born anew

Through our touch,

As we create the primeval paradise with love.

How beautiful is our Fairytale Land!

In each homestead here, there’s a Space of Love.

We’re creating together with God.  We are Thy children.

Our Family is flourishing, we’re living as friends,

And we call our settlement the Fairytale Land.

Text on the screen:

“In the video you heard the song ‘Fairytale Land’, performed by Elena Bereginya”

We thank Susan Downing for the translation!