Book 6 Japanese Translation Is Now On Sale! 14.04.2017 14:01:58

All bright thoughts from Japan to all the readers of the Ringing Cedars of Russia across the world!

We are happy to inform you that the Japanese translation of the Ringing Cedars of Russia series Book 6 – The Family Book, has been published and is now on sale in major book stores, cafes, select shops, hair dressers, organic grocery shops, massage and esthetic salons, Amazon and on-line shops etc. across Japan. It is well accepted in Japan, and is already rated as top two sells this week within in “Humanities” category.

More about the book:


当シリーズの第6巻『一族の書』が発売となりました。日本国内の主だった書店やカフェ、セレクトショップ、美容院や自然食品店、エステサロン、アマゾンやオンラインショップでお買い求めいただけます。  日本ではとても好評いただいており、既にAmazon.jpの週間ランキング「人文・思想」部門第2位になっています。